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The Food Marketing, Industry and Distribution Chamber (MIDA) is the only business entity in Puerto Rico that represents the food sector (retailers, wholesalers, agro-industrialists, processors, distributors and affiliates). 

Our organization has generated important legislation as well as promoted far-reaching social and economic measures. We have been involved in the approval of important laws for Puerto Rico. We also have an educational program that responds to current issues, according to the needs of the Industry.



Promote the development of the Food Industry in an environment that favors private enterprise.


We are the Voice of the Food Industry.


  • The well-being of our partners

  • Continued growth and development of our enrollment

  • We believe in healthy and fair competition

  • Contribute to improving the quality of life of our people

  • Maintain good relations with our rulers

  • We believe in balanced and objective analysis for decision making

  • We believe in order and planning

  • We believe in continuous innovation

  • We believe in the genuine needs of consumers to defend the interests of the industry


Our Administrative Team

Meet our Board of Directors President Mr. Félix Aponte - Supermercados Agranel First Vice President Ms. Awilda Quiñones - Supermercados Econo, Inc. Former President Mrs. Joeyleen Quiñones - Supermercados Selectos Levittown Founding Director Mr. Atilano Cordero Badillo Distributors Mr. Marco José Teixidor - B. Fernández & Hnos. Mrs. Ana María Pérez - Puerto Rico Supplies Mr. Vicente Suárez - V. Suárez & Co. Mr. Rafael Álvarez Sweeting - Méndez & Co. Mrs. Brenda Massanet - Empacadora Hill Brothers Mr. Sammy Ramos Montes - General Meat Trading (GMT) Mr. José Matos - Plaza Provision Company Retailers Mr. Benjamín Gratacós - Mi Gente To Go Villalba Mr. Pablo Venegas - Supermercado Econo Hato Rey Mr. Francisco Javier Pérez - Supermercados Mega Fresh Mr. Edgardo Torres - Selectos Aibonito Mr. Elvin Tosado - Supermercados Famcoop Mr. Isidoro "Paquito" Rosa - Hatillo Kash N' Karry Mr. José Soto - Ralph's Supermercado y Mayorista Mr. Luis Maldonado - Pueblo, Inc. Producers Eniel Torres, Esq. - Productos La Finca Mrs. Carmen Ríos - Dulzura Borincana Mr. Máximo Álvarez Mena - Empresas La Famosa Mr. Enrique Piñeiro - AC Culinary Group Mr. José A. Sanabria - Pepsi Cola Distributing (Pepsi Embotelladora) Wholesalers Mr. Pedro F. "Pitito" Acevedo - Lares Cash & Carry Mr. José "Coquito" Santiago - Hermanos Santiago Cash & Carry Mr. Antonio Palau Hartmann - Somos Cash & Carry Affiliates Mrs. Milagros Cabrera - The Retail Group Mr. Francisco "Frankie" Cabrero - Professional Market Research (PMR) Agroindustrial Mr. Néstor Maldonado - La Ceba Mr. Ricardo Caraballo - Apiarios Caraballo

Meet our Executive Comettee President Mr. Félix Aponte - Supermercados Agranel First Vice President Ms. Awilda Quiñones - Supermercados Econo, Inc. Former President Mrs. Joeyleen Quiñones - Supermercados Selectos Levittown Mr. Manuel Reyes Alfonso Executive Vice President Mrs. Milagros Cabrera The Retail Group Treasurer Mr. Sammy Ramos Montes GMT LLC Secretary

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